About APT
APT EDUTAINMENT LTD. (RC 663862) is a Nigerian-owned publishing company whose primary mission is to promote a positive reading-based youth culture, particularly among 5-to-17 year olds, using the cartoon-narrative medium.
At APT Edutainment, we publish original works of fiction that are based on cartoon illustrations. We are driven by a passion for telling unique stories about diverse subjects to a wide-ranging audience using the cartoon medium. Our products are broadly in two categories – enriched comic books and illustrated prose fiction. These are cartoon narrative books that are generally designed to educate and entertain young people and adults alike. These family-friendly African narratives are simply meant for readers everywhere.
APT COMICS is the umbrella name for our comic books and graphic novels, which feature diversely positive stories and are uniquely enhanced with a variety of educative contents – articles, puzzles, quizzes, games, quotes, anecdotes etc. These enriched comic books are developed on the basis of different categories (genres). Three (3) original genres have been developed and are currently available in print: (I) APT-BEACON: Family, School and Sport; (II) Young Entrepreneurs; (III) Urban Adventures. Besides, three new comic-book genres – (IV) Political Thrillers; (V) Super Heroics; (VI) Historical Fiction – will be rolled out soon.
And again, Prime African Series is a collection of illustrated literary texts (prose fiction) – short stories and novellas – published by APT Edutainment and specially designed to assist young readers in developing excellent English vocabulary, valuable writing skills, desirable character traits, and aptitude for creativity. Currently available in print are the first five (5) titles of this literary series: (I) The Golden Children; (II) The Precious Truth; (III) A New Day; (IV) Three African Wonders; (V) The Beauty of the Beast.
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